I am a postdoc at Royal Holloway working as part of the project 'What is metrology if quantum measurements participate in making reality' (more details on this project here). Prior to this I completed my PhD at King's College London, specialising in philosophy of physics and the metaphysics of time. Before that I did my MSci at the University of Bristol.

My research looks at how information and perspectives can be used to understand physics, in particular I am developing the idea of the 1st person or embedded perspective and how this relates to measurement. I argue there are many metaphysical features of reality which are only recognisable from this perspective. My PhD thesis looked at this in the context of how predictions and records feature in thermodynamics and quantum mechanics and the implications of this for our understanding of the flow of time, arguing for an emergentist and perspectival model of flow.

In addition to my main areas of research I am also developing a speciality in environmental philosophy and its connections to feminist theory. I am particularly interested in how our relationship with nature (both scientific, cultural, and personal) forms the underpinnings of our legal and economic society and how this feeds into current policy and action. I have written a blog post about this here.

My pronouns are she/her.

My CV is available here.